Friday, August 20, 2010

Why do we only meet up at funerals?

Why do we only meet up at funerals was a very interesting question put to me by Aunty (Tante) Claire. She mentioned at Mum's funeral of the plan for a reunion to be had for all the Devlin Clan. The idea was of course Tony and Anne's with input by Bill (orWill) with the result that Phil and his family ended up planning a really great inaugural event. We are fortunate to have two of the naughtiest ladies as our matriarchs. My children are in awe of the two Aunties who are so outspoken and wickedly funny. It is the wicked humour that is the definable Devlin trait. Well perhaps it is from the Irish side who knows. Its a strange mixture. We want to take over Poland = but only as a joke.
Esme, Claire and Cath (17/10/2009)