Sunday, May 2, 2010

In the beginning....

Here we go, keeping up with Technology and not having a clue what to do...My main objective is to ensure we all have a place to go to that we can catch up with each other every now and then. Thinking that this is so much more sophisticated to use than the very common Facebook.
Cathy and I have put our hands up to host the next Devlin Reunion in 2011. I was disappointed to miss out the inaugral reunion Phil organised after the two visionaries, Ann and Tony discussed a reunion. Apparently, Sas and I do have a bit of a hard act to follow.
Time is flying by fast - It has hit me hard that now Cathy, Bernie and myself are now orphans - Mum and Dad no longer with us. How scary it has become, I see Bernie looking like Dad, Cathy, at times, reminding me of Mum (owls also becoming a little of an obsession like Mum - tho' Sas would not agree...!)
My three boys are now taller than me. Ben is now 19 and looking for work - finding it really difficult in finding a job - maybe he should apply for jobs, it may help.... He's a bright boy - if he could work out what type of job he wants to do, I'm sure he'll go in leaps and bounds.
Sam is 16. He was determined to leave school but couldn't until he got a job. So he did, he's loving his job as a telemarketer - last month winning the National Best Seller. So be careful, he may be calling on you one day!!! Don't worry, he has a laugh when abused - it's like water off a duck's back - I personally would be crushed - but it really doesn't bother him at all!!! Taylor will be turning 14 in August. Can't believe how tall he is now! He's considering becoming a Vet.
And me? Hmmm, seem to be constantly busy, sometimes there are definately not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do. No doubt many of you understand that!!!
Will get Sas to send over some family photos for your enjoyment.
Cheers to everyone - hope to get things up and running soon!
Love to you all

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